Entry ni plak saya nak kongsi ilmu
yang ada ni sikit.
Untuk ibu-ibu yang masih menyusu
badan, kitaran haid memang bercelaru. Ikut hormon seseorang. Ada yang bulan
kelima penyusuan baru datang, ada bulan 12, kadang-kadang tu ada yang sampai 2
tahun tak datang. (Ikut kekerapan bayi tu menyusu)
Untuk 6 bulan pertama, kalau bayi
menyusu eksklusif (tanpa air, cecair lain, dan solid food), bayi menyusu kerap
dan berat badan dia naik dgn cantik, dan ibu belum datang period maka ia boleh
jadi satu cara untuk merancang kehamilan. Kaedah ni dipanggil LAM.
Quote Kellymom
- The Exclusive Breastfeeding
method of birth control is also called the Lactational Amenorrhea Method of
birth control, or LAM. Lactational amenorrhea refers to the natural postpartum
infertility that occurs when a woman is not menstruating due to breastfeeding.
- Breastfeeding frequency and
total amount of time spent breastfeeding per 24 hours are the strongest factors
leading to the return of fertility: a mother is more likely to see the return
of fertility if baby's nursing frequency and/or duration is reduced,
particularly if the change is abrupt.
- In some populations, research
has shown that night nursing slows the return to fertility.
- One study showed that mothers
who were separated from their infants (but expressed milk to provide 100%
breastmilk for baby) had a higher pregnancy risk (5.2%) during the first 6
months (Valdes 2000).
- The introduction of solid food
can also be a factor in the return of fertility. Once baby starts solids (if
mom's cycles have not returned), the natural period of infertility may be
prolonged by breastfeeding before offering solids, starting solids gradually,
and not restricting nursing.
Harap dapat menyelesaikan persoalan
ibu-ibu yang tak datang haid lagi.