Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 31, 2010


This song were wrote for me to dedicate only for u Abah!

Because You Love Me..

For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful Abah

You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through

Through it all

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed

I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you

You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You've been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you..

And this other song telling me how much i wanna spend my life with u
Mr Fiance!

I know they wanna come and separate us but they can't do us nothin
You're the one I want and Imma continue lovin
Cause your considered wifey and I'm considered husband
And Imma always be there for you
And either way you look at it I ain't goin nowhere from my muffin
Cause she gonna hold it down, can't nobody tell her nothin
You got the kind of love that always make up after fussin
And that's what gets me closer to you

And no one knows
Why I'm into you
Cause you'll never know what it's like to walk in our shoes

And no one knows, the things we've been through
Can never measure up to half of what I put you through
That's why we'll break through

And I don't care what they say
I'm gonna be with you
I'm gonna be with you
I wanna be with you
And I don't care what they do
I'm gonna be with you
I'm gonna be with you
I'm gonna be with you

Seems like every day that go by things are gettin harder
Want to be the one that give you the whole enchilada
Cause I know what my baby like,
I know you love that Prada Louis bag to match with the shoes
All about knowing you I'm into doing things to keep her longer
Stickin together forever, watch it grow stronger
That's the way it has to be, everything proper
Keepin it always true..

You are everything in my life
 See the joy you bring
And ain't no one I can compare you to
And I know that you will never walk away from me

no matter what
And that's why I plan to do the same thing for you
And I want you to know

Angah anak Abah
Pejal tunang Syairah

Saturday, October 30, 2010

I H.A.T.E F.L.U!

I'm hypertension with this flu!!
Please go away,coz if u r with me, i cant study, i cant taste, i cant breath, i cant concerntrate! The conclusion is, i cant do anything, argggggggggggggggghhhh!
Already feel sleepy, so i need my beauty sleep and please do not disturb me ok Mr flu!
Good Night!

p/s : Baru balik dari kedai Encik Tunang, nak tukar suasana belajar dan semestinya melepaskan rindu,hehe. Saya sayang Awak.sgt.

Pejal Tunang Syairah

Friday, October 29, 2010


Hye xoxo.
Hari ni saya terus sambung mengulangkaji. Saya penat tapi saya kena buat juga! Saya tak sabar nak habiskan belajar ni, tinggal lagi 4 hari je! yeay! Oh ye, sebelum lupa, malam semalam Masterji aka Mas, singgah rumah jap, mula2 dia suruh tolong tunjukkan kedai nak wat trading tapi dah tutup.. Pastu ape lagi kitaorang wat persidangan la kat depan umah saya, laga2 pipi da sampai 2 kali, konon nak sambung mengumpat pada hari lain la tapi tak juga bentinya,hahaha. Lagi2 Pejal datang secara tiba2, nak check saya la tu,hehe. Kitaorang makan chicken wing yang Pejal bawa beramai2,hehe. Lepas da puas bercerita, baru saya halau Mas balik,hahahha. Ok la, saya mau sambung setadi...

p/s : rasa rindu pada tunang saya. erm, jap lagi ingat nak datang kedai dia tapi taknak bagitau dia, kejutan! ^_^

Pejal Tunang Syairah

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'm turning 23 yrs old!

Hye xoxo!
Yes, i'm 23 years old today! older in number but younger in look! yekeeeeeee? hehe.
So, right at 12am, i had received a call from my lalink, Ein! She was the 1st person wished me through phone, yeay! tenkiu darl! She said about my celebration will be postpone to 5nov since Mas is busy with works stuff, but it is ok, i understand and not mad okk,hahahah.
Then, at the same time, my fiance was trying to reach me through the phone but failed coz we are not hang up yet,hehe. padan muka, sape soh lmbt 1minit.lol! But he claimed that he is the first person wished me on facebook, u are so funny la dear but i luv u lots! Layla wished me at 12.10am also through phone call.
Rushing to the pc to scroll down the birthday wishes on fb,hehe. thank you guys! It is time to sleep ok,continue in 1 sec time..
Ok, continue ^_^
1st thing happen when i woke up, mikael wished me, believe me or not?of course no, but his mother said "Mika, cepat wish ende ngah happy beday" and he like just saying "nyah" rather than ngah,haiyoooooooo. Then, Abah wished me Happy Birthday but i'm suprised because there is no card for me this year..erm..a lil bit sad.. but anywy, thank you Abah for the wishes!

After took my bath, we went to Giant to buy some raw items for birthday dinner. Here are the lists :
  1. 6 ekor Ikan siakap
  2. Suun and veggies
  3. Udang saiz L 
  4. Root Beer
  5. Buah naga
  6. Sushi!
As usual, Along will be our chef for tonight, she expert at this! Then, at 3pm, i put on my makeup and other stuffs and yes, ready to go out to get some fresh air and of course present from my fiance! We straight go to Sunway Pyramid and no turning left or right, I grab his hands to Charles and Keith store. Finally i had my Charles and Keith purse! Yeay! Lama da mengidam ni,hehe. tenkiu b! Then he said that he is damn starving,cian die.. He wants to eat healthy at subway, actually he already addicted with the sandwhiches,hahaha. Mine is chicken teriyaki, his is subway melt, yummy!

We reach home at 8.15pm right before the dinner start. Along already cookes udang sambal, ikan siakap goren, sup sayur suun, tq lovely sista! And grill chicken bought at Ayamas,sedaaaaaaaaap! But they had suprised me with a cake ice cream by Baskin Robin! My first Baskin Robin cake! Delicious! Sponsored by Alang n My Fiance, tq darlingsssssssssssssss! We had our dinner till drop,buncit gile ok! fuh,burrrrrrrrpp..But then, we heard someone at the gate. Abg muz was back from Tasik Kenyir which supposely will be back tomorrow,surprise for my Along!

p/s : Abah had gave the birthday card during the suprise time! Now i already have 23 cards,yeay! Mana boleh Abah tak bagi kad,nanti kena saman,hahaha.muah!
Till here,
Bye xoxo.

Pejal tunang Syairah


Saturday, October 23, 2010

He's discharge!

Alhamdulillah, pejal da kuar dari hospital! Tapi die kena jaga pemakanan dan banyakkan berehat.
Ok doc! saya akan jaga die sebaik mungkin sebab saya da ikat kontrak sampai mati nak jadi jururawat dia, insyaAllah, amiiinnn! 
Saya bahagia!

Pejal tunang Syairah

Friday, October 22, 2010

FYP 2 presentation da setel,yeay!

Hye xoxo!
Saya gembira dah lepas satu beban dalam kepala, iaitu FYP2 Presentation! Alhamduliilah! Saya orang ketiga dari 9 org dan pelajar perempuan pertama membuat pembentangan, glup!.. Berdebar2 xpayah cerita la kan. Pensyarah yang ada pada awalnya hanya ada 3 orang, Dr Agileswary (supervisor projek saya), Kak Bada ( examiner saya die ganti Prof Zainul yang tak dapat hadir), dan lagi seorang yang saya tak tahu nama beliau, kihkihkih. Masa diberikan 10 minit tapi syay rasa saya hanya guna 5 minit shaja, hahaha. Semua berjalan lancar, lecturer pula tak banyak bertanya sangat tapi soalan yang diorg tanya semua saya boleh jawab,hehe. Supervisor backup lagi,mmg yakin la saya dok tercongok kat depan tu,hahaha. 

Da selesai presentation, saya kena bergegas pulang memikirkan tunang saya di hospital.. Saya da janji dengan dia malam ni saya akan teman dia kat hospital, i'll keep my promise dear! Pukul 8.45pm gerak dari KJ ke Klang. Dalam hati da tak sabar nak jumpa si dia, rindu sangat! Pukul 9.15 sampai dan terus cari parking dengan dia, sebab takut nak jln sorg2 dari tempat parkir, gelap dan saya berada di hospital! huuuuuuuuuu. Borak2 dengan si dia sampai larut malam, seronok! Si dia terlena dulu.. Pukul 3am baru saya boleh melelapkan mata selepas hampir 2 jam menatap kosong wajah si dia..sedih tengok si dia sakit.. air mata? da kering rasanya.. Sayang doakan b cepat sembuh dan ceria seperti selalu.. InsyaAllah..
Till here.
Bye xoxo!

Pejal Tunang Syairah

Monday, October 18, 2010

Dugaan Pertunangan..

After only a week we officially got engaged, he is emitted to HTAR. Doctor said, that he is suspect with dengue.. Cant tell how is my feeling at this moment.. I'm down with tears.. I accompany him at hospital.. But one thing that i adore about him from the moment we knew each other almost 5 years back, he will keep smilling no matter how difficult he is.. He kept telling me that he is ok but i know he is not. Kalau tak takkan dok kat wad kritikal kn.. Pray is the only strength i have now.. Other than my family, his family and friends..

Last night, me, my mom and Along cook "sup ketam" since it is the only medicine for dengue.. Abah, Mama and I straight away go to HTAR after finish cooking.. Luckily, he is getting better last night or else i will stay with him.. Cant tell much about this cause i just cant..

Thanx to who visited him at HTAR, Abah, Mama, Alang, his parents, his siblings - Along, Abg Edy, Abg Zam, Acan, Ayin and bff - Laila n Aneez!
Till here.

Pejal tunang Syairah

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Me, Along, Alang, Kuchik, Yasmin, Dania and of course Mikael went to Empire Gallery to get the experience of sliding! Not forget to mention, the longest indoor slide in the world! 10sec, rm6/each (we got discount coz normal price is rm12) and 5meter long! Best! You all should try ok!
p/s: sorry lalink Ein for breaking our promise, but i promise u, next time we go together and I'll slide 1 more time, hooooyeah!

Pejal tunang Syairah

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Tunangan orang!

Salam xoxo,
Hari ini bertarikh 10.10.10 hari yang paling ak tunggu tunggu untuk tahun ni,hari ak menjadi tunangan orang,yeay! Okay meh,ak cerita apa yang berlaku pada hari bersejarah ni,weeeeeeeeee.

Pagi2 pukul 7, mama da ketuk pintu bilik ak, "Angah bangun mandi,nanti lewat siap"..Ak terus celik,sambil fikir "Eh2,ak nk tunang da hari ni"..neves,gembira,excited sume ade okay,heeeeeeeeee.
Ein dgn Layla sleepover kt umah ak mlm tadi so diorg pn secara tak langsung terjaga. Ak minta tolong kat ein buatkan sirih junjung,maklumlah ein ialah bff ak yang multipurpose,semua kerja die boleh buat,cyang die sangat! Lepas da godam sikit2 sirih junjung tu,ak pn mandi,ein pula terus gigih sambung sampai siap!tq lalink!

Lepas mandi, Alang "blow" rambut sambil ak sempat menelefon makeup artist and hairstylist ak dan tak lupa Paan! Ak takut mereka lupa,boleh tak? dan saat paling seksa tiba,apa agak2nya? Mesti saat nak pakai KORSET! Ak memerlukan bantuan Alang dengan Layla untuk menyarungkannya cantik dan ketat di badan ak,kalaulah dirakam saat itu mesti ak tunjuk sampai cucu cicit,huahuahau. Abah sibuk mengatur kerusi dan meja bawah khemah kat depan, Mama sibuk masak sarapan pagi memandangkan katering hanya untuk tengahari, Along sibuk menggosok "veil" dan kain ak nk pakai (boleh lupa ak nk gosok), Kuchik buat2 sibuk,hahaha.

 Lepas lengkap berpakaian, ak da tak keruan duduk menunggu makeup artist and hairstylist. Mereka janji pukul 9am dan mereka memang tepati janji sampai di Giant pukul 9am, Alang yang pergi ambil mereka. Ella pun memulakan tugaskan mencalit muka ak dengan pelbagai warna yang sesuai dengan baju ak,besttttttttt,ak suka dimekapkan dan ditatariaskan..selalu berangan kalau kaya nanti ak nak hired sorang jurumekap untuk mekap ak sepanjang hidup,heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Lama juga Ella makeup tapi takpe sebab ak sangat berpuas hati denga kerjanya,yeay! Pastu giliran Dessy pula mencantikkan rambut ak, sebelum dia wat rambut ak, da 3 kepala die uruskan, Alng, Alang dan Yasmin, die memang hebat! Lepas die cucuk ape yang patut, siaplah ak sebagai seseorang yang bakal menjadi tunangan orang ^_^

Rombongan lelaki janji sampai pukul 11am tapi terlewat 1 jam. So,masa menunggu tu, kami bergamba sakan dulu, habis satu rumah ak pusing nak tangkap gamba dengan keluarga, saudara mara, dan kawan-kawan rapat. Oh ya! Kawan-kawan ak yang datang ialah Layla, Ein, Mas, Aneez, Aza, Ain, Yani, Fiza, Dino, dan semestinya Paan dan Lan yang dtg sebagai seorang kawan dan jurugambar, hehe. Ha,Paan dtg lambat setengah jam, nasib baik masa dia dtg tu Ella baru mekap bahagian "base" je sempatlah paan nak kejar,haha. Dah la dtg2 buat ayat sadis, "Bertunang da kawan ak sorang ni" Naseb baik Ein menjalankan tugas dengan mencubit tangan Paan, hehe. Masa tangkap gamba tu, tangan ak sempat lagi menelefon buah hati tersayang yang bakal menjadi tunang ak hari ni, ak bertanya " Mana u ni, da pukul 11.30 da ni, Abah pn da tanya" Dia biasa la dengan perangai selambanya tu, die menjawab " Sabar la yang, jap lagi B sampai k,da dekat Giant Besar ni" dalam hati ak berdetik, "ala tipu la ni tapi ak tetap menghebohkan kat keluarga rombongan lelaki da nak smpai.

Tepat jam 12pm, selepas setangah jam Pejal cakap dia berada kat Giant besar yang hanya 5 minit dari rumah (sepatutnya la kan) rombongan lelaki sampai!! dup dap dup dap. Ak siap suruh kawan2 ak tutup lampu bilik sebab ak nak mengintai dari dlm bilik,hahaha. Pastu Ein mara, "Eli! Ko dok diam2 bole tak, jap lagi ko yang neves" betul tu sis Ein, even die muda dari ak tapi die lebih memegang watak kakak dlm hubungan persahabatan kami.hehe. Aza sibuk rakam perbincangan bahagian berbalas pantun sebab laki die, Nizam yang reka pantun tu, kredit to Nizam! Lepas tu Yani ketuk pintu sambil berkata "Eli, da boleh kuar" hish masa tu perasaan ak memang xboleh dibayangkan betapa resah gelisahnya ak,huhu. Alang dengan Mas jadi pengapit ak. Ak suruh sume keluar dulu sebab ak nak jadi org terakhir kuar dari bilik, saje nak wat suspen sikit,hahaha.

 Saat yang mendebarkan tiba apabila mak Pejal datang nak sarungkan cincin! Cincin batu dan diapit oleh 2 cincin belah rotan, total 3 cincin yang harus disarungkan! Mak Pejal pn neves,hehe. Lega, da selesai part yang paling mendebarkan ak. Alhamdulillah. Yeay! Sesi bergambar bermula kembali. Ak terasa cam artis pulak sume berebut nak bergambar dengan ak, ececeh. Lepas tu, Along buat announcement " Ok, pihak lelaki da boleh makan" Pejal pn masuk rumah.. Hensem juga tunang ak ni (cakap dalam hati jela kn) hehe. Bergambar dengan tunang pula, pastu kami potong kek tunang kami bentuk replika handbag Burberry, nice! Masa rombongan pihak lelaki nak balik, kitaorang tangkap gambar beramai2, keluarga tunang ak mmg besar, yela, aidk bradik ade 9 org, anak buah da berderet da pn, hehe.

Ak makan dengan Pejal, Paan dan Lan. Kawan2 yang lain da balik da, tq babes for coming! Pukul 4pm, ak dgn Pejal g hantar barang hantaran dari pihak perempuan sebab sekali dengan nak g jemputan kawen kawan pejal, da janji kan. Seronok ak tgk anak2 buah Pejal makan coklat, cuppies n jelly sedap kata mereka. hehe. Pastu kami pulang ke KJ, Pejal tolong kemas umah sekali. B4 tu Abah da basuh pinggan2 sume, patutnya tak payah sbb katering yang wat, tapi mmg kami sedia maklum Abah kami ni mmg suke tolong org, i luv u Abah! Lepas habis kemas, baru la, dapat mandi dan berehat.. Pejal pn balik dan hantar karpet kt Pakngah balik, 1 way je nak blk ke rumah die, tq Mr Tunang! I love 1 2 3 and infinity! muahhhhhhhh!

Tenku utk semua yang terlibat, I LOVE U ALL!
Till here.
Bye xoxo!

Pejal tunang Syairah

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sehari Sebelum..


Hari yang paling busy selama ak hidup 23 tahun ni.. Dengan veil tak dapat lagi sebab cancel dengan akak sebelumnya ni, dia yang cari pasal tak nak bagi pinjam veil die, cam la lawa sgt,hish!

Ok2, pepagi pergi demc cari splinter utk kaki mak aka my grandmother, we use to call her "mak" since she is still young when she had her first grandchildren who is my Along. Always 21 she said,hahaha. Lepas pergi demc, hantar splinter kat rumah ayahmeng sebab mak ayahmen yang jaga.. After had some testing on her which one that she preferred, we heading back to the hospital to settle the full payment, forget to say that the physiotherapy doctor was so nice to us..mesti semua pesakit nak doktor cam die, her is so soft spoken!

Lepas selesai urusan di hospital, so time to hunt for my veil! Bertunang takde veil? pelik! So must have item is not with me yet at the moment! Straight go to PKNS.. Lepas 10 minit berjalan tanpa arah tujuan, i dan mama jumpa veil yg kena dengan citarasa mama dekat kedai F & H Collection! Murah pun murah, beli tau bkn sewa, nasib baik x ambil dengan kakak yang nak bagi sewa tapi smpai rm150, ni beli baru rm50, nice! save!

Then, after settled with the veil thing, i got a message from acik ija saying that "Tolong cari sirih and fresh flower for sirih junjung" damn! It is already 4pm! Mane ada sirih petang2 ni,hadoiiii.. Tapi kami gigih adik beradik pergi dari ss3 to sg way and i can say we are soooooooooooo lucky ok! We found daun sirih, bunga melor and peach roses! Colourful,beautiful!

Berkenaan hantara, Alang dan Syerol sponsor Coklat Fidani!! Mahal tapi cantik dan sedap, thank you guys, i love it sooo mcuh! Along sponsor cuppies, cantek sangat3, nak je curi satu,hahaha. Also thank you for being a very supportive sista! Pukul 5.30pm, mas datang bawa jelly yang mereka sponsor. They are, mas herself, ein and aza! Thank you guys! Unik sangat korangnye jelly! Laila and aneez sponsor coklat juga,bentuk love juga sama dengan alang n mas,aza n ein nye jelly. hahaha. Thank bff!

Ein sampai pukul 6 lebih kat lrt kelana jaya, ak g ambil dengan mas n dino.. Borak2 jap then we had dinner kari ayam, sayur sawi n murtabak uniten brought by acik ija all the way form putrajaya! I kena la control makan mlm sebab nanti meletop plak korset yang i nak pkai esok. hahahaha.

Bakal tunang i sampai dalam pukul 9pm bawa kusyen tempat i nak duduk esok, pastu die nak bawa balik dulang hantaran dia yang ditatahias oleh die sendiri, ein ak n acik ija.. pandai gak kami ni kan. Not to forget Abah pn jadi bidang terjun malam tu, thank u Abah! Luv u alwaysssssssssssssss! Dalam pukul 10.30pm Pejal makan. Lepas makan, borak2 jap dengan Abah Mama, pastu i suruh die balik sebab esok nak kne bangun awal, but before that, La sampai pukul 12.01pm, ngade2 nak smpai waktu hari jadi die,Happy 23rd Birthday Dear bff! Always leff u babe!

Ak mandi dan terus tido! Esok kena bangun awal!

p/s: sirih junjung tak siap lagi tu, da la 1 dulang acik tertinggal lupa nak bawa tadi, hadoiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. boleh ke nak tido lena.huhu.

pejal eli

Monday, October 4, 2010

At Last!

At last,
He wants to accompany me to do the last shopping checklists for our E'Day!

At last,
He found his attire which is Baju Melayu and the colour is perfectly match with mine. checked!

At last,
I got the roses flower for my hairstylist on our E'Day. checked.

At last,
He have the dulang tembaga for his presents to be put on and of course it is for me on our E'Day. yeay! checked! 

At last,
I booked my new makeup artist and my hairstylist even they are not expensive as my previous one but i trust them,insyaAllah. checked!

At last,
He listen to me about our budget for our E'Day. relieve! also checked! hehe.

At last,
Me and him will be engaged after 4 years and 6 months of being in the name of couple. Alhamdulillah. I am totally blessed and happy!

p/s : He bought me a set of perfume as one of the presents on our E'Day! I love it so much! Thank you B!!

pejal eli

Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Abah turn 54 years old today!

Hye hye darling!
This entire entry will be about my only ever Abah!
I wished Abah at 2am, 3rd oct 2010! Happy Birthday Abah! May Allah give Abah all the happiness and joy!

Jadi hari ni, Mama dan Along belanja makan kami sekerluarga sempena Hari Jadi Insan yang paling kami hormati dan sayangi, Abah. Abah pesan twister, Mama pesan dinner plate, Abang Muz pesan domino piza, Along pesan burger keju tiga lapis, Angah dan Faizal pesan footlong subway chicken teryaki, Alang dan Syerol  pesan footlong tuna, Abang pesan burger fillet dan Mika makan ayam mama wan je,hahah. yummy!

Angah selalu doakan kesejahteraan hidup Abah, kesihatan yang baik, dipanjangkan umur dan selalu dimurahkan rezeki oleh-Nya..insyaAllah..Abah merupakan tonggak keluarga selama ni.. Abah merupakan sumber inspirasi kami adik beradik..

Kelembutan dalam ketegasan Abah dalam mendidik Angah selama 23 tahun Angah di dunia ini menjadikan Angah banyak mengenal erti hidup yang sememangnya mencabar ini.. Tapi Abah menampakkan semua seakan mudah untuk dilalui dan diharungi..Dengan berbekal resipi, sabar, tabah, dan jangan cepat melatah dengan perangai orang sekeliling..

Angah teramat bersyukur dikurniakan Abah sebagai orang yang menjaga, melindungi Angah di dunia ini.. Tiada nilai yang dapat dibandingi dengan pengorbanan Abah terhadap kami sekerluarga selama ini.. 1 yang Angah pinta, bagilah Angah peluang untuk membalas jasa Abah walaupun tidak akan pernah cukup untuk menandingi dengan pemberian Abah selama ini..

Akhir kata, "Selamat Hari Lahir Abah!"

p/s : Tq Bah sponsor decoration hantaran! I Love u!

pejal eli 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Tired day..


After a late bed time yesterday, today i need to get up early in the morning. Why? Because i already promise to laila w.rahim i wanna help her doing the acting for her 6 credit hour subject! So,at 7.30am we receive a waking up call from a familiar voice, aneez since laila is sleepover at my house. Skip to the casting, makeup by aneez n laila's fren, waiting 2 hours for my turn to act! My scenes are scene 6,7 and 8. How many takes? Not proud to be mentioned here,haha. My part finished at 1.45pm. Reach home by 3,45pm,aneez drive all the way,so phm-phm jela kn.hehe.

After isyak, go to Makngah's open house, i eat alot ok, fevret dishes are kuah kacang n sotong sambal, thumbs up for Makngah! Chit chat with Kakngah about her previous marriage n current relationship. She is very open minded i can tell, she share, asking, and advise me. The best phrase from her tonight is
"Marriage is gamble, we dont know if luck is on our side".
Nice! That is soo 100% true. So, the hope of today is, I hope that my luck will be always with me in whatever condition that i'll be facing in future. InsyaAllah..aminnn..wasalam.

p/s : Get to catch up many things for our E'day, tired tired tired.

pejal eli

Friday, October 1, 2010

Hari diriku dirisik!

My 1st officially writing as a blogger! Yeay! As i wished before, I will start a blog on my "Hari Merisik"!

Alhamdulillah all that i, my family, his family n of course pejal had been going smoothly according to our plan.. I just cant imagine how would be my life without all of them! Oops, not to forget my bff since we begin to learn what is an algebra, Laila for being a humble photographer tonite! So, let just skip to the tentative on my "Hari Merisik" :

9.30am : Went to giant to buy the ingredients, lead by our chef, Along! 

11.30am : Clean up the house with along, alang, abang n the vip of all day   Mikael,heeeeee.

1.30pm : Search online for cuppies n cake for our becoming E'day, now i know how pressure can be put on a woman that will be engaged to a man who just know only to give money n let the woman do all the searching.. =(

3.30pm : Along started to cook her special  menu which are ayam masak merah, sup suun, rojak buah and ikan patin goreng,yummy!

5.30pm : Not yet take a bath because at the moment I need to find a new makeup artist since my previous one cant make it,damn! i hate when ppl break their promise,gth.

6.45pm : Along finished the "cooking class" and started yelling to everyone that hasn't take a bath yet. Yea,she still our adorable eldest sister babe!

7.10pm : Alang started to hunt for the nice plate, glass, jug, bowl to serve the meal,tq beautiful sis!

8.00pm : Rombongan merisik had arrived! U cant tell how is my feeling at the moment..erkkkk.

8.10pm : Discussion among the parents had started. ^_^

8.45pm : Sesi menyarung cincin, n i'm sweating.. Believe it or not, my future mother in law is shaking too! But no tears drop, =P

9.45pm : Makan!

10.30pm : Pejal datang,boleh x?hish. leff u honey b!

10.35pm : Syerol aka my future brother in law showed up,thanx for coming =)

11.05pm : Rombongan pulang

11.30pm : Lepak lagi kat mamak fariz maju with B, Alang, Syerol, Laila n Peruz.

1.00am : Balik n tido time!!

p/s : Thank u all for the support, i luv all of you so very much! Muaaaach! C u next time ok!

pejal eli